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Lens Eye Diseases
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Lens Eye - Diseases

The lens is a transparent, biconvex structure located behind the iris of the eye. It plays a critical role in focusing light onto the retina, which is necessary for clear vision.

The lens is composed of a series of concentric layers of protein fibers that are arranged in such a way as to allow for flexibility and shape changes. This enables the lens to change its shape and thickness, which is essential for focusing light onto the retina.

The process of focusing light onto the retina is known as accommodation, which is controlled by the ciliary muscles in the eye. When we focus on objects that are close to us, the ciliary muscles contract, causing the lens to thicken and become more curved. This increases the refractive power of the lens, allowing it to focus light from nearby objects onto the retina. When we focus on distant objects, the ciliary muscles relax, causing the lens to flatten and reduce its refractive power.

As we age, the lens may become less flexible and may develop a cloudy or opaque area, which is known as a cataract. Cataracts can cause blurred or dim vision and can eventually lead to vision loss if left untreated. Cataract surgery is a common and effective treatment for cataracts, in which the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens.

In summary, the lens is a crucial structure in the eye that plays a vital role in focusing light onto the retina for clear vision. It is a flexible and adaptable structure that changes shape and thickness to accommodate different distances of objects. The lens can be affected by age-related changes, such as cataracts, which can be treated with surgery.

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