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Skin (Integumentary system)


Leprosy is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. The disease is transmitted by living together with a person who has had the disease for a long time. In this disease, first, there is a kind of spot on the skin with a mixture of yellow and red color. Gradually the infected area swells and eventually becomes sore. Many times the child is affected by this disease by the parents.

There are two types of leprosy. namely-

1. Repromatous type of infection: Early lesions are red and swollen. These lumps gradually turn into chronic ulcers. It can be on the forehead, ears, hands, feet, or anywhere on the body. If it's on the hand, the hand rots, if it's on the fingernail, the nail falls off, if it's on the nose, the nose gets stuck.

2. Tuberculoid type non-infectious: This type of leprosy is initially small lumps and later hardens. From the affected area, the germs slowly enter the nervous system and damage it. The affected area is numb, and sometimes very sensitive to touch. The power to feel hot and cold is lost. Gradually the flesh of the hands and feet dries up and the hands and feet take on a distorted appearance.

Research Papers

Disease Signs and Symptoms

Disease Causes

Disease Prevents

Disease Treatments

Disease Diagnoses

Disease Allopathic Generics
  • Dapsone (Tablet)

    In the beginning, the dose should be increased gradually and the medicine should be taken for a long time. For adults, the following prescriptions can be administered:

    • 1st 2 weeks 10mg 1 time daily
    • 2nd 2 weeks 20mg 1 time per day
    • 3rd 2 weeks 40mg 1 time per day
    • 4th 2 weeks 80mg 1 time per day
    • 100mg 1 time for 2 years after the heat.
  • Rifampicin

    600 mg in the morning half an hour before breakfast. 450 mg for those whose weight is below 35 kg.

  • Ferrous Sulfate

    for blood 1 pill 2/3 times a day.

Disease Ayurvedic Generics

Disease Homeopathic Generics

Disease yoga


Leprosy and Learn More about Diseases

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Searching Keywords Idea
leprosy, কুষ্ঠরোগ

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