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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."


Ardha Padmasana

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Sit straight with both legs spread in front. Now bend the left leg near the knee and touch the left heel to the right side of the lower abdomen as in the picture a little above the root of the penis and take the left hand over the back and hold the left toe and with the right hand hold the extended right toe. In this condition, exhale and pull the lower abdomen in and put the head on the knees. If it is difficult for a beginner to keep the right knee on the ground in this position, raising the right knee a little higher does not do much harm. You can stay in this state for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then switch legs and practice again. Just like before, bend the right leg at the knee, touch the left ankle with the right heel and take the right toe with the right hand over the back. Now hold the outstretched left toes with the left hand, exhale and pull the lower abdomen in and place the head on the left knee. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Practice this asana 4 times by alternating legs and arms. Breathe in and out naturally while staying in this asana.

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  • Loss of appetite
  • Sciatica

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Ardha Padmasana

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Ardha Padmasana, অর্ধা পদ্মসানা

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