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Akarna Dhanurasana

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Sit with your legs spread apart. Hold the big toe of the right foot with the left hand. This time, hold the big toe of the left foot with the right hand under the left hand, break the left foot near the knee, draw the sole of the left foot with the sole of the left hand and bring it to the right ear and twist the upper part of the body to the right side as shown in the picture. After staying in this position for 15/30 seconds as much as possible, let go of the hands and hang the body slightly forward, then sit straight with the legs apart. After this, practice this asana on the opposite side as before i.e. hold the big toe of the left foot with the right hand.

Then hold the big toe of the right foot with the left hand, break the right foot near the knee and bring the right foot to the left ear by pulling the sole of the right foot with the sole of the right hand and twist the upper part of the body from the waist to the left just like before. You can practice this asana for 15/30 seconds on each side as much as possible. Practice this asana twice on each side four times on both sides then do Shavasana for 1 minute. Breathe in and out naturally while practicing this asana.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Decreased digestion
  • Sciatica

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


Padangustau tu panivhang received hearing.

Dhanurakarshanang Kuryadhanurasanmuchya.

(Hat Yoga Pradipika - 1/28)

While shooting the arrow, the shaft of the bow along with the shaft of the arrow should be drawn close to the ear. The position in this asana resembles that of shooting arrows, hence the name Akarna-Dhanurasana.

Yoga Indications

Dosage Administration


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Akarna Dhanurasana

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Akarna Dhanurasana, আকর্ণ ধনুরাসনা

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