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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."


Ways to save from Corona

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Scary Corona Virus:

Corona virus is a disease. All the people of the world are now busy changing their behavior to save themselves from Corona. Many people are now raising slogans "Namaste Corona, you kill us". Some say that Corona is a non-communal virus, which is infecting and killing everyone irrespective of caste and religion. We refuse to accept that our behavior is the sole cause of our death. Now the question is what can we do to get rid of Corona forever.


Virus is a word adopted from the Latin language. It means poison. A virus is a type of microscopic organism or microorganism that can only reproduce inside living cells. Viruses are neither living nor inert. A type of microorganism between living and non-living things. Viruses behave inertly outside the body.

Structure of virus:

The body of the virus is covered by a protein coat and contains DNA or RNA molecules inside. We know that DNA or RNA molecule plays a major role as the container and carrier of heredity in every organism. And here lies the reason for fear. RNA or DNA molecules enter the organism and synthesize the proteins located in the organism, increase their progeny and cause various physiological changes.

Immune system of the body:

White blood cells present in the human body form resistance against various types of pathogens. White blood cells ingest various pathogens through the process of phagocytosis. When a virus enters the body, the body's immune system destroys them and produces a type of antigen to ward off further attacks. As a result, when the virus enters the body later, the previously produced antigen destroys them. The chances of getting infected with the same virus a second time are very low.

Viruses harmful to human body:

We already know that viruses are made up of DNA or RNA molecules. Most viruses made up of DNA molecules infect animals of the class Mammalia, and RNA viruses usually attack plants.


Smallpox killed nearly 300 million people.

Spanish Flu:

Between 1918 and 1919, five to ten million people lost their lives to this virus.

Ebola Virus:

Caused an epidemic in West Africa in 2013-2015. 11,310 died. Spread by bats.

Rabies Virus:

Spread from animals to humans. The disease caused by this virus is called rabies. Every year, 59,000 people die of rabies worldwide.

H5 N1 (H5 N1):

Seasonal influenza is responsible for 290,000 to 650,000 deaths worldwide each year.

HIV (HIV Virus):

About 32 million people have died of HIV.

MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome):

A strain of the coronavirus that first appeared in the Middle East.

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome):

Originating in China. Scientists say the virus came from cats. But it is also related to bats. Between 2002 and 2004, 774 people died.

Nipah virus:

Spread from bats. The death toll is 70 percent.

Novel Corona (Covid-19):

Originating in China. It is believed that the novel corona virus has spread from markets where monkeys, snakes and other animals are bought and sold.

Ways to get rid of:

It was enough to do what was necessary as a human being to get rid of Karna. But now we have abandoned human religion and adopted demon religion. So now we have to find different ways to save from Corona. Destroying all vegetation one day we have to run to different filling stations for oxygen.

Self Realization:

Man claims himself as the best creature in creation. If it is in terms of power, it can be said that its power is very insignificant compared to a small virus. If it is in shape or structure, it is very little compared to many other animals. If it is the judgment of beauty, then I will say why is not a little upset to destroy such a beautiful creation? In conclusion, no matter how many claims we make, we ourselves do not believe them. With only knowledge, conscience, humanity, humanity, we can say that we are the best creatures in creation.

None of the human virtues can be achieved by man in the present age except destruction by using the knowledge given by God. We are performing animal sacrifices, throwing bombs on others' necks in the name of supreme mercy only for the satisfaction of our lust. So, before claiming to be the best creature in the world, you should question your conscience! And what we did for him!

Nature and Man:

People have to get out of the idea that some are the best creatures of creation, some are inferior. Every creation of God is best and great. All objects and animals in the universe are practicing their religion. Only human beings are doing all kinds of immoral and inhuman acts using the divine knowledge given by God. Again he is imposing his responsibility in the name of God. Nature has been selflessly giving people all the resources for human survival. In return, humans are indiscriminately destroying nature and its animals. Conflict with nature has become the main cause of destruction of man today.

O Arjuna, I am Mount Sumeru among the mountains, I am the Himalayas among the solids, I am the Ashwatha among the trees, I am the Kamadhenu among the cows, I am Vasuki among the snakes, I am the lion among the animals, I am the cow among the birds, I am the wind among the swifts, I am the seasonal spring among the seasons. , Among the Pisces I am Makar among the rivers I am Ganga. O Arjuna, I am the beginning, middle and end of all creation. Arjuna I am also the cause of the origin of all demons. For there is no being, immovable or movable, that can exist without Me. Srimad Bhagavadgita- Vibhutiyoga

Everything in the universe is made real by God's power, His manifestation in everything. If this education given by sages of Indian subcontinent helps us to build a beautiful world then it should be started soon.

Religion and People:

Where faith prevails all forms of truth are worthless, superstition and ignorance are emperors. Where human religion should be humanity, humanity, justice, honesty, love, selflessness, humility, generosity, forgiveness, kindness, truthfulness, religion today has become a tool to save the interests of various self-interested groups.

Gods and Men:

The god who selflessly gives everything but asks nothing in return. According to that, the number of gods in nature is 33 crores.

1. Ashta Basu- 8: (Fire, Earth, Air, Space, Aditya, Moon, Sun and Stars)

2. Eleventh Rudras: (5 senses, 5 senses and soul)

3. Twelfth Aditya 12: (twelve months)

4. Indra and

5. butterfly

Worshiped by Yogya, the deities provide you with victuals. Therefore, one who enjoys this god-given thing without offering it to the gods is surely a thief. Srimad Bhagavat Gita-12/4

Nature is giving us everything so, nature should also give back. Even if we do not perform our duty (Dharma), nature is performing its dharma. The way we treat nature, nature gives back to us.

University of Illinois College Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyer claims that the novel coronavirus has spread around the world by altering its genetic makeup to create deadly chemical weapons.

Namaste Karna You Kill Us:

I am afraid to shake hands today due to the fear of Corona. Today, American President Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron, Prince Charles of England, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, captain of the England cricket team, and many people around the world are recommending the use of Namaste instead of the handset. But Namaste has been in vogue in India since many years ago. If Namaste salutation is good for people then everyone should have adopted it long ago. Why go back to that thousand-year-old Namaste Sambhasan just to survive? If religion prevents us from accepting the truth, then what will we resort to!

Human Diet:

Are humans born vegetarian or non-vegetarian? People make their own systems and laws that are convenient for them based on their characteristics, likes and dislikes. And that's why for many years there is still this debate about what should be the food habits of people.

Diseases and Diet:

We already know that humans are also infected by viruses and bacteria that infect animals and birds. So it has to be accepted that if man was a vegetarian he would not be affected by so many diseases.

Humans are carnivores by nature?

Many claim that humans were created as carnivores by nature. And presented various arguments on his behalf. The arguments are as follows-

1. Since eating meat leads to digestion, humans are fit to eat meat.

2. Animals that are carnivores have slightly larger incisors, as do humans.

3. Carnivores have larger claws.

Many people cannot accept it. They also have opposing arguments. The arguments are as follows-


6 balanced diet is required for body building of animals. And enzymes are secreted from various glands to digest it. Pepsinogen for protein digestion, Tylin for carbohydrate digestion, Lipase for lipid digestion etc. Lentils contain 24% protein, chicken contains 27% protein, beef contains 22% protein. Since protein is one of the main components of the human body and pepsinogen hormone is released for its digestion, whether it is pulse protein or meat protein, digestion will be under the influence of pepsinogen hormone. It cannot be said that the substance is edible for humans just because it is digested. Many people are seen eating sand, clay, bricks and even glass, so what can we say that these are human food!


Dogs, cats, tigers, lions who are carnivores have very large incisors. In the course of evolution, humans had to live by eating the meat of various animals and birds to survive. And because you have small incisors, you cannot eat meat forever. And because of this, it is not proof that humans are carnivores by nature.


The claws of carnivores are large and round and hard. But human knock is not like that. So nails cannot prove that humans are carnivores.


Carnivores drink water with the help of their tongues, herbivores drink water by swallowing food with their mouths. So it can be said that the characteristics of humans in drinking water are similar to the characteristics of herbivores.


Carnivores rest at night. Herbivores are comfortable during the day. In this case, the characteristics of humans are similar to those of herbivores.


Carnivores have more cones than rods in their retinas, so they can see at night. But herbivores cannot see at night due to less amount of cone in the retina. People cannot see at night. In this case, the characteristics of humans are similar to those of herbivores.

Food habits of people in Srimat Bhagavat Gita:

Srimat Bhagavat Gita has a beautiful explanation about human eating habits. Let's find out


Different types of food are liked by everyone according to their own nature. Srimad Bhagavat Gita - 7/17


Foods which increase life, vigour, strength, health, happiness, pleasure and are sweet, sweet, nourishing and pleasant are loved by sattvic (superior) people. Srimad Bhagavad Gita- 8/17


Foods that are very bitter, very sour, very salty, very hot, very dry, very inflammatory and those foods that cause suffering, grief, disease are loved by rajasik (pretentious) people. Srimad Bhagavad Gita- 9/17


Foods that are tasteless, rotten, smelly, waste, impure are the foods that are loved by tamasic (inferior) persons. Srimad Bhagavat Gita- 10/17

It is clear from the above verses that according to the nature of man different kinds of food are his favourites. Humans should choose their food as the best creatures of creation by considering the quality of any food here. And because of the failure of this selection, people are suffering from various diseases.

Yoga and Wellness:

Yoga means connection, connection with self and connection with your soul. If you know yourself, you can know the Supreme. Vedas say know yourself, Socrates said the same, Swami Vivekananda said the same because only by knowing yourself can you know the Supreme Soul.

Yoga is mainly of two types:

Yoga to keep the body healthy and yoga to increase mental concentration to connect with the divine. If the body is not healthy then it is not possible to fix the mind. Therefore, the yogis of the Indian subcontinent have given various yoga advices to heal the body. Yogeswara Shiva speaks of 84 lakh yogas. Today all over the world are taking different types of yoga teachings given by Patanjali for the health of body and mind. In our Indian subcontinent, various sages, munis, yogis have taught various methods and rituals available to them to lead a healthy life. No matter how excellent they are, so far people have refrained from observing them only for the sake of religion. If religion prevents us from accepting the right path, the true path and the truth, then it is better to call them superstitions rather than religion. Swami Vivekananda said "Everything must be sacrificed for truth but truth must not be sacrificed for anything. Humanity must move forward together to build a future peaceful world by accepting whatever is true. And only then can human society be free from these terrible diseases." .

Mantra of the Upanishads:

Finally, I conclude today's report with a mantra from the Upanishads. May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace, may no one ever suffer. Brihadaranyak Upanishad 01/04/14

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