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Mula Bandha Mudra

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Sitting in Padmasana or any meditative posture will draw the Sankhini Nadi upwards. This attraction reaches to the core. Sankhini Nadi will be attracted only if the cavity is contracted along with inhalation. Again, the contraction will relax as soon as the breath is released. Needless to say, slowly inhale and exhale. Sankhini and Kuhu Nadi emerge from the same origin. So, if the anal nerve is attracted, the sex nerve will also be attracted. After a few days of practice, you will master the technique of separating the Kuhu Nadi and attracting the Sankhini Nadi. This mudra is prescribed twice daily in the morning and evening. If you can do it three times, you will get quick benefits. Do this first 10 times, then 20 times.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Impotence

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Parfi Bhagen Sanpeera-Yonimakunchay warehouse.

Apanmurddhamakrishya Mulbanedahabhidhyate.

Adhogatimpanong or Urdhagong Kurute Balat.

Akunchannenbatang Praharmulbandhanghi Yogin:.

(Hatha Yoga-Pradipika-3-18)

Original means original place of origin. The spinal cord originates from the lower part of the brain and ends in the cavity. At the end of the spine is the center of origin of the main nerves of the body. It is in this center that the Yoga 'Muladharachakra' is located. In the language of western medicine, this root chakra is called the Pelvic Plexus of the sympathetic. The mudra in which the glands and nerves of this place become stronger is called Moolbandha Mudra.

Yoga Indications

Dosage Administration


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Mula Bandha Mudra

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Mulabandha Mudra, মূলবন্ধ মুদ্রা

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