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Shakti Chalana Mudra

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While sitting in Padmasana or Gomukhasana, draw up the Kuhu and Sankhini Nadis (originating from Kundasthan between the genitals and pelvis) for 5/10 seconds to inhale. As a result, the reproductive organs and abdomen along with the pulse of this place will be contracted and come closer to the spinal cord. Then relax the contraction by exhaling. This should be practiced twice a day morning and evening 10/15 times.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Nervousness

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Yoga practitioners call Kundalini the reservoir of energy. The mudra practice that awakens the Kundalini and moves it upward is called Shakti-Chalani mudra.

Yoga Indications

Dosage Administration


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Shakti Chalana Mudra

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Shakti Chalana Mudra, শক্তিচালনী মুদ্রা

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