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Dandayamana Janushirsasana

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Stand straight with both hands on the waist. This time keeping the balance of the body on the right leg, lift the left leg from the ground and spread it in front parallel to the ground. This position has to be mastered with patience and dedication for 7/8 days regular practice. At this time, you have to watch so that the body does not tremble or the right leg does not move.

After mastering the position described above, grasp the left toe with both hands extended forward so that the left leg is completely straight and parallel to the ground. In this condition, the first left leg wants to break at the knee, again and again you have to try to keep the left leg straight. This time bend your upper body forward from the waist and rest your forehead on your knees as shown in the picture. In this state, the right leg should be straight and both should be perpendicular to each other.

If you practice this asana slowly for a few days in the way described above, it will be possible to master it easily. Breathe in and out naturally while practicing this asana. After staying in this asana for 5/10 seconds as much as you can, change the legs, i.e. put the full weight of the body on the left leg and raise the right leg in front parallel to the ground and slowly practice again for 5/10 seconds as much as you can. After 20/30 seconds shavasana should be practiced. This asana can be easily mastered by 10/15 year old boys and girls if they try.

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A better posture for Janusirasana is Dandayaman Janusirasana. Mastering this asana is somewhat difficult and time consuming.

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Dandayamana Janushirsasana

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