“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
Sit on Padmasana as in the picture. This time put both the hands between the two hands and keep the broad palms of the two hands on the ground and take full weight on the two hands to take the breath and raise the body in Padmasana to zero as in picture no.12. You can stay in this state for 10 seconds to 1 minute. Beginners may hold their breath while in this position but should try to inhale and exhale normally afterwards. Practice this asana 4 times by alternating legs like Padmasana.
Padmasanam is a sustainable-animal-level karau.
Nivesya Bhumavatisted, Bomstha: Kukkutasanam.
(Trishikhi Brahman Upanishad-41)
The person in this asana looks like a chicken or chicken, hence the name of this asana is Kukkutasana.