“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
Special medicine for skin diseases. Painful swelling in various parts of the body, which later ripens. Inflammation of the gland.
Headache, as if the brain were being struck by some pointed object like an arrow, increasing in the afternoon. Herpes, sores and warts on the scalp. A wart-like difference on the eyebrows. Abscesses and cysts in tip of nose. The tongue is cracked. As if tongue were cut into strips, profuse salivation :.
Urine is cloudy, dark and contains a lot of mucus. Frequent urination. A small amount of urine accumulates in the urinary bladder. Numb urine. Bladder inflammation.
Genital ulcer-like lesions. Lump-like swelling in cervix, breasts swollen, hard, nipples swollen.
Deformed nails, smelly foot sweat. Abscesses, small boils, sores. Erysipelas. Rites, herpes.
Kaskas is a special grass found in East India.
Boric Level: 3rd Power.