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Carbolicum acidum

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Carbolic acid is a powerful stimulant and depressant. It is a dull, odorless, painless, destructive medicine. The patient dies due to an impaired state of consciousness, paralysis of sensation and movement, slowness of pulse, and weakness of respiration, paralysis of the respiratory center. Primarily the drug acts on the central nervous system. Enhancement of olfactory nerve capacity.

This drug produces physical and mental paralysis, reluctance to study, and headaches with the feeling that the head is tied in a brace. The predominance of the sense of smell, a strong guiding symptom of this medicine is particular. Stomach symptoms and particulars are full, severe pains, and pains come and go suddenly. Boils are formed in some parts of the body due to physical exertion. Putrid, foul-smelling discharge (baptisia).

Reluctance to mental exertion. The sensation is as if the head is bound by a rubber band (gels; mahonia). A colic pain in the right eye socket. Headache, relieved after drinking green tea; Smoking time is less. The dominance of scent power. Putrid, foul-smelling discharge. Rotten inside the nose, along with a bad smell.

Appetite decreases. Addiction to spicy foods and smoking. Persistent belching, nausea, vomiting, dark-olive vomit. Heat rises over the alimentary canal. Stomach and abdominal distension due to accumulation of air in the stomach.

The rotting of food in the stomach causes a burning taste in the mouth, bad breath, and bad breath.

The urine is almost black. polyuria Frequent urination at night with urinary bladder discomfort in old age. Discharge is always foul-smelling (nitric acid; Nux sepia). Vaginal discharge with purulent discharge, mixed with purulent blood. Cervical lesions. Foul-smelling, foul-smelling discharge. Predominant discharge in children. (Cannabis Sat, Marxl, Pulse, Sepia). Puerperal fever, with foul-smelling discharge.

Generic for Diseases
  • Bad breath
  • Stomach cancer

Generic Indications
  • Diabetes
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting

Complement Generics
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Phenol-carbolic acid

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric levels: 3rd to 30th strength. According to Gudno, phenol is synergistic arthritis. Must be authentic. Kistall solution (25%) mixed well with equal parts of water and glycerin 20 drops applied three times a day (Bartlett).


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Carbolicum acidum

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Carbolicum acidum, কার্বোলিকাম অ্যাসিডাম

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