“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
Both Calcarea Carb and Calcarea Phos are very helpful in bone formation in early childhood. But in children where mucus predominates due to bone malnutrition, Calcarea carb is more commonly used, and Calcarea phos is more used in children where gonadal predominates due to malnutrition.
Fiber is an important functional medicine in all cases and although many of the symptoms of this medicine are found in Calcarea Carba, yet the two have some differences and have some characteristic symptoms of their own. This medicine is especially indicated in late teething and symptoms occurring at that time. Also applies to all unstable diseases, broken bones not set properly, and anemia after a young disease or old debilitating disease.
Anemic children who are irritable; Shivering, cold hands and feet and poor digestion. The special field of action of this medicine is where the bones are connected by sutures and cartilaginous joints and the disease is aggravated by any change of weather. Numbness and tingling sensations are characteristic of this drug, and propensity to perspire and enlargement of the glands, two symptoms similar to those of Calcarea Carb.
Tuberculosis, chlorosis and thysis. Increase in climate change headache in adolescent school-aged boys and girls. Children's palates are open for a long time, not folded. The bones of the skull are soft and thin. Hearing loss. Headache, accompanied by flatulence. Head is hot, with pain at roots of hair Corneal opacity after boil in eye. Enlargement of the tonsils.
Eating pork, salted meat or burnt meat is an invisible passion. Thirst with great appetite, flatulence with temporary relief after rising of the stomach acid. A lot of air storage in the stomach. Sore throat. Children vomit easily. Flatulence after eating juicy fruit or drinking apple cider; Generosity during teething. Green, slimy, hot, loud, noisy stools, containing unappetized food and foul-smelling air.
Menstruation long before due, profuse in quantity and bright red in younger girls; Lately, the blood has a dark color; Sometimes severe back pain with first bright red, then dark spots. Premature discharge, looks like egg whites. Increased in the morning. The child does not want to breastfeed; Breast milk tastes salty. Dislocation of uterus in weak female.
Calcium phosphate is prepared by the reaction of ammonium with sodium phosphate and calcium fluoride. It is known as calcium phosphate or phosphate of lime.