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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Shock Generics
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
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  • I
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  • K
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  • Z
Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate
Endocrine & Metabolic System Drugs
Dopamine Hydrochloride
Cardiovascular System Drugs
Endocrine & Metabolic System Drugs
Isoproterenol (Isoprenaline)
Oxygen 99% Gas
Other preparations

Shock - Generics

Shock is a medical emergency that occurs when the body's organs and tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to function properly. This can lead to organ damage or failure if left untreated. Shock can be caused by a variety of factors, including severe injury, infection, allergic reactions, heart problems, or loss of blood or fluids.

Symptoms of shock can include:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Rapid breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Pale or clammy skin
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness

Treatment for shock typically involves addressing the underlying cause of the condition, such as treating an infection or administering fluids to replace lost blood or fluids. Oxygen therapy may also be used to help improve oxygen levels in the body. In some cases, medications such as epinephrine or norepinephrine may be given to help raise blood pressure and improve organ function.

Preventing shock may involve taking precautions to avoid injury or infection, such as wearing appropriate safety gear when engaging in activities that carry a risk of injury. In cases where shock is caused by underlying medical conditions, it is important to manage those conditions through regular medical care and follow-up.

Chagas disease
Skin disease
Skin disease
Respiratory disease
Asthma prophylaxis
Respiratory disease
Eye disease
Corns and Calluses
Eye disease
Stomach disease
Stomach disease
Renal disease
Renal homotransplantation
Renal disease
Eye disease
Eye disease
Muscle disease
Myasthenia gravis
Muscle disease

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Shock, শক

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