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Premenstrual syndrome Generics
  • A
  • B
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Central Nervous System Drugs
Norethisterone Acetate
Endocrine & Metabolic System Drugs
Mefenamic acid
Musculoskeletal systems
Musculoskeletal systems
Fluoxetine Hydrochloride
Central Nervous System Drugs
Endocrine & Metabolic System Drugs
Citalopram Hydrobromide
Central Nervous System Drugs
Calcium Carbonate + Calcium Gluconate + Vitamin-C
Endocrine & Metabolic System Drugs

Premenstrual syndrome - Generics

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a set of physical and emotional symptoms that some people experience in the days or weeks before their menstrual period. The symptoms can vary widely and can include bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, irritability, fatigue, and headaches, among others.

It is estimated that up to 80% of people who menstruate experience at least one symptom of PMS, and about 20-30% of them have symptoms severe enough to interfere with their daily lives. The exact cause of PMS is not well understood, but hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle are believed to play a role.

There are many ways to manage PMS symptoms, including lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress reduction techniques. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, can also help alleviate symptoms such as cramps and headaches. For more severe symptoms, prescription medications may be necessary.

If you are experiencing significant PMS symptoms that are interfering with your daily life, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying conditions and discuss treatment options.

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Soft tissue inflammation
Skin disease
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Blood disease
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Blood disease
Skin disease
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Pain and inflammation

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Premenstrual syndrome, মাসিকপূর্ব অবস্থা

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