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Facilitate lactation Generics
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Genitourinary System Drugs

Facilitate lactation - Generics

Facilitating lactation involves promoting milk production and ensuring that the baby is receiving enough milk to support growth and development. Here are some tips for facilitating lactation:

  1. Breastfeed frequently: Breastfeeding frequently helps to stimulate milk production and ensures that the baby is getting enough milk. Newborns may need to breastfeed 8-12 times a day, or even more.
  2. Ensure proper latch: A proper latch is important for effective breastfeeding. Ensure that the baby is latching on correctly to prevent nipple pain and to ensure that the baby is getting enough milk.
  3. Offer both breasts: Offer both breasts at each feeding to ensure that the baby is getting enough milk and to stimulate milk production.
  4. Get enough rest and nutrition: Getting enough rest and nutrition is important for maintaining milk production. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids.
  5. Consider using a breast pump: If you're having trouble producing enough milk, using a breast pump can help to stimulate milk production and increase milk supply.
  6. Seek support: Seek support from a lactation consultant or a breastfeeding support group. They can provide guidance and support to help you successfully breastfeed.

It's important to remember that every mother and baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. If you're having trouble breastfeeding or have concerns about your baby's growth and development, speak with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

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