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Morton's neuroma

Morton's neuroma
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Morton's neuroma
Morton's neuroma

Morton's neuroma is a condition that affects the nerves in the foot, specifically the nerve that runs between the third and fourth toes. It is a type of nerve injury that causes thickening of the tissue around the nerve, leading to pain, numbness, and tingling sensations in the affected area.

The exact cause of Morton's neuroma is not known, but it is believed to be related to wearing tight, ill-fitting shoes or engaging in activities that involve repetitive stress on the foot. Women are more likely to develop Morton's neuroma than men.

The symptoms of Morton's neuroma may include:

  • Pain in the ball of the foot
  • Numbness or tingling in the toes
  • A sensation of having a pebble or small object stuck in the shoe
  • Swelling between the toes

Treatment for Morton's neuroma typically involves a combination of non-surgical and surgical options. Non-surgical treatments may include changing footwear, using orthotics, taking anti-inflammatory medications, or undergoing physical therapy. If non-surgical treatments do not relieve the symptoms, surgery may be necessary to remove the affected nerve tissue.

Research Papers

Disease Signs and Symptoms
  • Toe pain
  • Swollen toe
  • Numbness in fingers or toes
  • A burning pain in the ball of your foot that may radiate into toes
  • A puffy, white and reddish bump that appears a few minutes after the bite

Disease Causes

Morton's neuroma

Morton's neuroma seems to occur in response to irritation, pressure or injury to one of the nerves that lead to your toes.

Disease Prevents

Disease Treatments
Morton's neuroma

Treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms. Your doctor will likely recommend trying conservative approaches first.


Wear shoes with adequate room across the ball of the foot and in the toe. Arch supports and foot pads such as metatarsal pads fit inside your shoe and help reduce pressure on the nerve. These can be purchased over the counter, or your doctor may prescribe a custom-made, individually designed shoe insert — molded to fit the exact contours of your foot.

Surgical and other procedures

If conservative treatments haven't helped, your doctor might suggest:

  • Injections. Some people are helped by the injection of steroids into the painful area.
  • Decompression surgery. In some cases, surgeons can relieve the pressure on the nerve by cutting nearby structures, such as the ligament that binds together some of the bones in the front of the foot.
  • Removal of the nerve. Surgical removal of the growth may be necessary if other treatments fail to provide pain relief. Although surgery is usually successful, the procedure can result in permanent numbness in the affected toes.

Disease Diagnoses

Disease Allopathic Generics

Disease Ayurvedic Generics

Disease Homeopathic Generics

Disease yoga


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