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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Selenium Brands
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DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Selenium - Brands

Selenium is often very helpful if, after partial jaundice, the patient continues to be weak, constipated, has memory loss, becomes pale, or has excessive dryness of the hands, feet, and face.

The memory becomes very weak but what he forgets during the day, he dreams at night.

Due to excessive sexual intercourse or excessive masturbation, his body and mind soon break down. Stool not clear, urine not clear, memory weak. The mind is always very depressed, headache, insomnia etc. after every ejaculation. But what saddens him the most is his ejaculation.

Selenium is very strong in libido and also strong in ejaculation due to excessive intercourse or masturbation.

Strong desire for drugs and food. Toothache aggravated by drinking tea, relieved by cold water. Itching between fingers. Very little sweat. What is forgotten during the day is dreamed at night.

Increase in sun, increase in cold air, increase in sleep, increase in exertion.

Kalium carbonicum
Urtica urens
Calluna valgaris
Plumbum iodatum
Carica papaya
Nuphar luteum
Nuphar luteum

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