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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Stannum metallicum
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Stannum metallicum - Brands

Stanam seems to be very weak from birth and the weakness is more pronounced in his chest. He feels empty inside his chest, feels empty in his chest, gets very tired from the slightest exertion. But this fatigue, this weakness starts to penetrate more and more in the patient's chest, this is the specialty of Stanam. A Stanam patient can never talk openly, laugh, cry, get up, sit down, even if he says a few words, he feels extremely tired, feels empty inside the chest.

It takes much more effort to come down than it takes to go up.

Stanam patient is very sad and tearful. Soon she would cry and cry all the time. But he is so miserable that there is no way to cry out loud.

The pain in the sternum gradually increases and decreases gradually, and the pain is relieved by squeezing.

The taste in the mouth is always bitter. A lot of mucus like egg saliva is released when itch.

Worms are abundant in Stanam too. Worm-induced colic, stress relief.

Degenerative patients are often a bit overactive. Very soon their senses get excited especially Stanam Ragini starts to itch her body but the tension between the female and genital organs continues. In men too, the tension is very pronounced and they become very weak after each menstruation. 10 o'clock in the afternoon; In the heat of fever, both hands start burning.

Trifolium pratense
Zincum picricum
Hedera helix
Natrum cacodyl
Salix alba
Coleus aromaticus
Tartar emetic
Citrus vulgaris

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