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Hereditary expression, as its root is firmly established, its character is as distorted, Medarinum is more fruitful there. With Maverinum, which is prepared to be the poison of psychotic gonorrhoea, we get a similar introduction to the character of psychosis.

Even among the elderly people who today hear about so much increase in blood pressure, outbreak of tumors, cancer etc., this psychosis is also a distorted identity, and this is where medarinum can show its extraordinary achievement i.e. medarinum is more effective in the evils of gonorrhoea than in the primary state of gonorrhoea or in the secondary state of gonorrhea.

Through rheumatism, nephritis, etc., he attacks the heart with great precision and wants to crush every part of the body in his thunderous fist until his desire is fulfilled.

Medarinum's children really suffer from various stomach ailments during the summer. What is eaten is not digested. Indigestion, flatulence, vomiting or retching occur. Glands of the body become enlarged and swollen; The skin becomes loose and sags.

Every inflammation which manifests itself as a severe pain is certainly psychotic. Therefore Medarinum is often very useful in various inflammations such as uterine inflammation, ovarian inflammation, urinary cyst inflammation etc.

When the character of the disease is distorted as a result of undertreatment, lack of symptoms is normal, and in such cases, if the diagnosis of syphilis or psychosis is met or not, and appropriate drugs fail, meds such as Maverinum, Serinum, Syphilinum, Bacillinum etc. should be considered.

Burning in hands and feet, burning in palate, burning in inflamed areas. The burning is so great that the patient constantly likes to apply cold water to his palms and soles and even to his face and eyes. Burning pain is a constant companion of Medorinum. Rheumatism, gouty rheumatism, lumbar rheumatism, pain and stinging in all parts, pain aggravated by movement especially where the affected area becomes swollen.

The spine is also very sensitive, women's breasts and nipples sometimes become so sensitive that it becomes difficult to keep them covered. Babies don't like to be touched.

Maderaine is very timid, startled at the slightest sound; Very Busy Baghish- preoccupation with all activities and doing them so quickly that one suffocates oneself.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Lose flesh
  • Cold
  • Dream of a dead person
  • Diarrhea
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Meningitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Anal fistula
  • Weakness of metal

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration
  • Arsha: Shakti 200 or im two doses morning and afternoon. 10m, 50m or Cm is more useful in old disease.
  • Metal strength: strength 200, 1m or more high strength two-dimensional.
  • Umbilical disease: Shakti 200, 1m twice a day is beneficial. Higher potency in old diseases.
  • Intake: Shakti 200 once every three days. 1m weeks or half days apart.
  • Rheumatism: strength 200, 1m or more high strength morning and afternoon twice.
  • Vaginal: Strength 200 or 1m twice a day. 10m, 50m or Cm is more useful in old disease.
  • Cold: Strength 200, 1m, 10m once a day in the morning.
  • Memory Strength: Shakti 200 or 1m is beneficial if taken twice a day in the morning and afternoon. Higher potency in old diseases.
  • Asthma: Strength 200, Im or higher Strength II.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning



List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Iris versicolor
Aloe socotrina
Aloe socotrina
Selenium metallicum
Calcarea hypophosphorosa
Calcarea hypophosphorosa
Succinic acid
Aurum sulphuricum
Balsam peru

Searching Keywords Idea
Medorrhinum, মেডোরিনাম

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