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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Magnesium carbonicum Brands
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Magnesia carbonica
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Magnesium carbonicum - Brands

Child or old person-whatever is eaten turns into acid-acid reflux occurs. Sweat and faeces sour, even after bathing the child, the stool emits a slight odor, cannot digest milk - greenish stools with a sour smell, they are often cured with magnesia carb.

If the father or mother is suffering from disease or has died and the desire to eat meat is unusually strong in the patient, then we may remember Magnesia.

If she gets a sore throat or sore throat every time she gets pregnant or gets toothache every time she gets pregnant, she will most likely get relief from Mag-Carb.

Menstruation occurs only at night or when lying down, not during movement.

Lac felinum
Cerium oxalicum
Cerium oxalicum
Ferrum pernitricum
Myristica sebifera
Myristica sebifera
Rubia tinctor
Calcium fluoratum

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