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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Dolichos pruriens Brands
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Dolichos pruriens
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Dolichos pruriens - Brands

It is an effective medicine on the right side of the body, including the liver with pronounced skin symptoms. All over severe itching without differentiation. Nervous euphoric feeling. Senile itch. Metallurgical metal.

Pain in the throat, increase in swallowing, pain in the lower part of the right jaw, as if a piece of gorse were stuck in that place. Gum pain, sleep disturbance. Abdominal colic after wetting feet. Constipation, flatulence. Stool white, swelling of the liver, hemorrhoids, burning sensation.

Intense itching, with no swelling or eruption; Growth on shoulders, also elbows, knees and hairy parts of the body. Jaundice. yellow dye; Severe itching at night. Herpes Zoster (Arsenic). At night, if scratched, right.

Colchicum autumnale
Colchicum autumnale
Turpenthum minerale
Kalium carbonicum
Ammonium aceticum
Uric acidurinum
Pulmo vulpis

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