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Kali bichromicum
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Kali bichromicum - Brands

Kelly Bichrome is featureless except for this variation wherever it is used. Periodic outbreak of rheumatism and phlegm, i.e. after suffering from phlegm for a few days, the patient suddenly gets better and begins to suffer from mucus discharge through the nose, mouth, anus, or cervix, and suddenly one day his dysentery or whooping cough or cold cough gets better and the pain in the knots starts. He became paralyzed. This alternating attack of rheumatism and phlegm characterizes Kelly Bykram.

Kelly Bikram's arthritis or pain does not stay in the same place all the time, it constantly shifts and moves around.

Antimonium chloride
Alnus rubra
Alnus rubra
Sinapis nigra
Polyporus pinicola
Echinacea angustifolia
Terminalia chebula

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