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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Adonis vernalis
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...
Dr. Reckeweg R58
Dr. Reckeweg
Liquid Liquid
Size: 22ml | Price: 350

Adonis vernalis - Brands

Excited by the action of the heart and arteries. It is identified as an effective medicine on the heart when there is congestion in the heart after flu or influenza or Bright's disease, at that time the medicine regulates and rhythmizes the pulse, increases the contractility of the heart and also increases the amount of urine. Vitality is weak, heart is weak and watery in the stomach, edema of all organs.

The head seems to be light forest; Acute pain starting from back of head, through two veins to eyes. Dizziness when getting up, too quickly, or lying down. Ringing in the ears. Scalp feels hard. Eyes widened.

Mouth slimy, tongue dirty, yellow, sore and burning sensation.

Stomach heaviness, painful appetite, lethargy of upper abdomen. Good fence outside the house.

Urine oily, scanty, albuminous.

Constipation pain in center of limb-neck. Spinal numbness and tingling.

Adenidine is a cardiac stimulant and diuretic.

Baryta phosphorica
Quercus glandium Spiritus
Pneumus boldo
Castor equi
Castor equi
Tussilago fragrans

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