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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Ignatia amara
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Ignatia amara - Brands

Used more for women and also for women who are very nervous or emotional. These women suffer pain in their lives for little or no reason but do not reveal it to anyone. The pain of Prana is pressing on the soul and the mind is sick of toiling for it day and night.

It is true that Ignacia is used in cases of illness due to anger, shock, or failed-love etc. But Ignacia is effective where anger, shock or failed-love is congealed in the mind - unwilling to be revealed to anyone.

When we hear or notice that the patient always likes to be alone, doesn't like company or company, is constantly exhaling, looks up at the sky with a bored mind, and from time to time both eyes become teary for no reason, then surely we will remember Ignacy once.

One can almost be sure of Ignacia if one notices that she becomes angry or upset when comforting or commiserating with her. Because the increase in comfort is another great thing about Ignacia.

In Ignacia we see the decrease and increase of thoughts contrary to the normal order. Thirst is very normal in the heat of fever, but in igneous fever there is no thirst in the heat, only in the cold.

Caryophyllus aromaticus
Balsamum toluifera
Apocynum cannabinum
Apocynum cannabinum
Solanum nigrum
Camphor officinalis
Camphor officinalis

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