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Helleborus niger

0.00 (0)

Action Period: 20 to 30 Days

Used in meningitis or brain-inflammation. The monstrous image of him we see in Hellebores appears in very few medicines. Helleberus's first words - obscurity or vagueness. A not very strong but vague expression, and a senseless blank look in half-closed eyes, vaguely excited, are the brief introductions of Helleberus.

A Helleberus patient sometimes moves his face as if chewing something, sometimes moves a hand as if to hit his head.

If the patient is unconscious due to a head injury, if Arnica is not completely beneficial, Helibarus can cure it.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Brain inflammation
  • Edema
  • Fever
  • Urinary deficiency
  • Meningitis

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Hit: Power 6, 30 or 200 every two hours. If a disease originates from a long-ago head injury, Helibarus can cure it. Consumption Rules - Power 200 1m or higher power.

Fever: Potency 3x, 6, 30, 200 any one potency in several doses at hourly intervals.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Helleborus niger

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Helleborus niger, হেলেবোরাস নাইজার

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