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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Helleborus niger Brands
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Helleborus niger
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Helleborus niger - Brands

Used in meningitis or brain-inflammation. The monstrous image of him we see in Hellebores appears in very few medicines. Helleberus's first words - obscurity or vagueness. A not very strong but vague expression, and a senseless blank look in half-closed eyes, vaguely excited, are the brief introductions of Helleberus.

A Helleberus patient sometimes moves his face as if chewing something, sometimes moves a hand as if to hit his head.

If the patient is unconscious due to a head injury, if Arnica is not completely beneficial, Helibarus can cure it.

Chelone glabra
Natrium nitricum
Strontia bromeliad
Phytolacca berry
Aurum muriaticum natronat...
Aurum muriaticum natronat...
Mercurius protoiod
Cobaltum metallicum
Cobaltum metallicum

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