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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Carboneum sulphuratum Brands
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Carbonium sulphuratu...
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Carboneum sulphuratum - Brands

Effective in health disorders due to excessive drinking. Works very well in patients with broken health due to alcohol consumption. Sensitized patients have increased sensitivity to cold, muscle atrophy, and loss of sensation in skin and mucous membranes. Has a special effect on the eyes. Old rheumatism, sensitive, and intolerant of cold. Low body temperature. Diarrhea every four to six weeks. Paralysis with acute hemorrhage in the nerve center. Physical decay or TB. Disturbance of sensation in limbs.

Sciatica falls under this medicinal condition. Symptoms due to chronic lead poisoning. Loss of sensation in arms, hands, and legs. Peripheral nerve inflammation. Irritable mind, anxiety, lack of stamina, shaky consciousness. Relaxation of mental activity. Visual and auditory confusion. Changing attitudes. Gradually decrease mental energy and tension.

Headache and dizziness. Pain, as if a hat were on the head. My ears are blocked, such a feeling. The voice inside the head. Lesions on the lips, loss of sensation in the mouth and tongue.

Helix tosta
Lithium bromide
Momordica balsamina
Ammonium dorema
Duboisin sulham
Strychnine sulfate

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