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Cinchona officinalis Brands
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Cinchona officinalis
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Cinchona officinalis - Brands

This medicine is indicated in nervous tension due to iron deficiency, including fatigue discharges, emaciated weakness from loss of organic fluids. Symptoms appear at regular intervals, this symptom is clearly present. Sensitive to air currents. This medicine is often ineffective in the early stages of a young disease. Old gouty arthritis. Chronic purulent inflammation of the kidney. Pain due to gas accumulation in the abdomen after surgery is not relieved by defecation.

Apathetic, frustrated, disobedient, short-tempered, pessimistic. Thoughts accumulate in the mind; Causes sleep disturbances. Has a tendency to hurt other people's feelings. Suddenly started crying and started tossing and turning. As if the skull would burst. It seems that the brain is moving from side to side to protect the balance inside the head, and the impact on the skull is quite painful. (Sulfur, Sulfuric Acid) Acute-hot water in the arteries of the head and veins. Grinding pain in the scalp, with pain afterwards, so that the patient feels as if he had been bruised on both sides of the head.

After bleeding or excessive sexual intercourse or due to excessive secretion of body fluids, the face becomes red in color. Relief from pressure and warm rooms. scalp prone to sensation; Growth when combing the scalp. Pain in the tendon increases in free air, pain, extending from one side of the vein to the other. Increases in touch, air flow and stepping time. Dizziness while walking.

Bluish spots around the eyes. Eyes are hollow. The white part of the eye or the sclera is yellow. dark spots, bright, sparkling vision; Nightshade for retinal or retinal anemia. Spots in front of the eyes. light source Distortion of the eye star. Occasional neuralgia of the ciliary muscle of the eye. Pressure in the eyes. short sighted; Burning discharge.

Ringing in the ears. The outer part of the ear is sensitive to the touch. Hearing power in sound is prone to feeling. Earlobes are red and swollen. pale complexion Face pale; red color toothache; Relieves heat and pressure on the teeth. Tongue coated, dirty, burning in tip and drooling after burning. Taste in the mouth, bitter. Food items seem overly salty.

Great appetite for food, but food remains undigested in the stomach. flatulence; Regurgitation of bitter water or regurgitation of rotten food, no relief from regurgitation; Fruit growth. hiccup Relieves flatulence. A flat stomach. Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen. Colic pain due to gallstones. Spleen and liver swollen and enlarged. Jaundice. Coldness inside the stomach and lower abdomen. Stomach and small intestine inflammation.

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