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Baryta carbonica
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Baryta carbonica - Brands

Skinny is the first word of baryta carb, but it's more mental than physical, meaning people who are too curvy or curvy are not exactly baryta carb. Those who do not develop intellect even at their age or lack of intellect are the real Baryta Carb patients. As the body is weak, so is the mind.

Especially indicated in childhood and old age. Gandamala is beneficial in children suffering from Gandamala, especially if those children are underdeveloped both mentally and physically, also if those children are stunted, not growing properly, eye inflammation due to Gandamala disease, stomach bigger than the body, cold easily. followed and finally in all cases there is swelling of the tonsils bilaterally.

In people who develop and develop ulcers, the gums bleed easily. Diseases of old people, in which their body decays in age, decay of heart and brain, in those who have enlargement of the prostate gland or hardness of the testicles, catch cold easily, smelly sweat on the soles of the feet, who are excessively weak and tired. Suitable for those who always want to lie down or sit or have to lean on something. Intense anxiety or fear of meeting strangers. Inflammation of the back of the nose, with frequent nosebleeds. Works very well in indigestion of youth, especially those suffering from masturbatory and spermatogenic diseases as well as heart tension and palpitations.

Loss of memory, mental weakness. restlessness Lack of self-confidence. Loss of mental energy due to old age. Confusion shy Fear of strangers. Childish actions, getting upset over little things.

Vertigo, when standing in the sun, needle-like pain in the head, the pain spreads over the whole head. Empty feeling inside the brain. Hair falls out. Confusion Tumors of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Dilation and contraction of the eyeball. light source Sensation as if there were something like gauze before the eyes. Cataract (Calcaria carb, phosphorus, silicea). Decreased sexual desire and premature ejaculation. Enlargement of the prostate gland.

Foeniculum vulgare
Amanita vernus

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