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Cicuta virosa
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Cicuta virosa - Brands

At first the face and eyes are distorted, the teeth stick to the teeth, suffocation, the neck bends. Then it spreads throughout the body. Cicuta patient likes to eat tea-chalk, wood-coal, raw potatoes etc. He doesn't understand that these are not human food. He speaks in tongues like a small child, laughs when scolded and plays with dolls like a small child. Hiccups occur very strongly in various diseases of patients with sikota. Cicuta should be considered if cholera vomiting occurs with hiccups during the period.

Acting on the nervous system, this medicine produces convulsive symptoms, such as hiccups, spasms of facial muscles, squint and convulsions, which are the pathological picture of this medicine and in these cases this medicine is particularly useful, especially if these conditions are Several other characteristic symptoms of the drug are present. These symptoms include bending of the head, neck, and spine backwards, and the general condition of the patient is very severe, with fearful twisting of the limbs. A fierce, strange kind of desire. Swelling inside the body. To wail and lament. Equestrian works. It clearly works on the skin.

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