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Calcarea fluorica
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Calcarea fluorica - Brands

Calcarea flor is useful in cases of profuse bleeding accompanied by unbearable pain and impending menstruation. Specially a powerful drug acting on body tissues. The glands are hard, stony, swollen and enlarged, and malnourished. Hard lumps on female breasts. goitre Congenital, hereditary syphilis. Hardened part, so that it is easy to capitalize. Many cataracts have undoubtedly improved under the influence of this medicine. Congenital syphilis, which manifests in lesions of the mouth and throat, decay and decay of various organs. Atherosclerosis, a life-threatening disease. Tuberculosis. Used after surgery, prevents unnecessary adhesion of fibers.

Extreme depression, irrational fear of economic ruin. A loud voice inside the head. Neonatal blood clots. Hard appendages on the scalp. Scalp lesions with hard edges. Sparks and flashes before the eyes, spots on the cornea, conjunctivitis, cataracts. Subcutaneous papillary cysts.

Nasal congestion from cold, dry runny nose, sores in the nose, profuse discharge of thick, greenish-yellowish mucus from the nose. Face Pain with hard swelling in cheeks or toothache. A persistent swelling of the jaw. Hard swelling on the jaw with boils on the gums. Fissures of the tongue, with or without pain. Hardness of the tongue, after inflammation. The root of the tooth is abnormally loose, with a loose position inside the cavity of the tooth. Membranous tonsils are continuous lumps of mucus that form inside the tonsils. Pain and burning in throat, relieved by warm drink, aggravated by cold drink. Enlargement of the tonsils. The tongue is relaxed, the tingling sensation goes up to the larynx.

Vomiting in children. Vomiting hiccups of uneaten food (cajuputum, sulfuric acid). flatulence Digestive power weak but craving for tasty food, vomiting. Overexertion results in a severe form of digestive fatigue with rounding of the brain, accumulation of flatulence in the stomach. The generosity of people with nightly nights. Itching in the anus, and severe tingling painful eruptions under the arms. Hemorrhoids with bleeding. Itching in the anus, a lot of flatulence in the lower part of the intestine. Growth during pregnancy. Lucid dreams, accompanied by feelings of impending danger. Unsatisfied sleep

Oleum cajuputi
Caesalpinia bonducella
Querus robur
Rananculus acris
Beta vulgaris
Beta vulgaris
Mercurius corrosivus
Mercurius corrosivus

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