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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Calcarea carbonica
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Calcarea carbonica - Brands

Calcarea carb is a deep medicine. It is unique in nutrition. In children it is used repeatedly, but in older people the high strength only lasts for a long time.

Calcarea carb is ready to be oysters and oyster bone nutrition has been prevalent in our country since the east. Hindus or Indian Aryans used to make babies drink milk from the open mouth of a mussel instead of the current metal container. Because they were experienced in potency or subtlety, they could notice the benefits of open consumption of oysters.

Hahnemann discovered an excellent anti-psoric or psora dosha nashak, a medicine specialized in curing psoriatic conditions. The main function of this medicine is on the functioning of the body organs. Malnutrition is the main action of this medicine, it also works well in glandular, skin and unstable mechanical disorders. Effective if the disease returns easily, health recovery after remission is disturbed. Very sensitive to cold, partial sweat, children love to eat eggs and eat dirty soil and such things which are not easily digested, food cravings, easily suffering from diarrhea.

Persistent sour taste in the mouth. Mouth cavity is filled with sour water. Dryness of tongue at night. Bleeding from the gums. Difficult and delayed teething. Foul odor from the mouth. Cutting pain in uterus during menses. Menstruation is long before the due date.

Potentilla anserina
Baryta iodata
Baryta iodata
Zea italica
Hydrobromic acid
Rubia tinctorum
Vernonia anthelmintica

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