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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
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Bromium - Brands

This drug has a marked effect on respiratory symptoms, especially on laryngeal and bronchial symptoms. Children with goiter, especially those with swollen glands, are more likely to be affected by this medicine. Sensation as of suffocation, copious discharge, profuse perspiration and great weakness. Disorders due to overheating.

Delusions, the patient thinks a stranger is looking over his eyes and the patient (wife) thinks she can see one of them if she turns her head. quarrelsome In occiput, left side of head affected, pain increased by bending forward, especially after milking. Pain in head, aggravated by heat of sun and rapid motion. Cutting pain through eye. Dizziness while crossing streams.

Cold, accompanied by a dull aching pain in the nose. The right nostril closes. Pressure at the base of the nose. Tickling, irritated feeling, as if a spider's web stuck in the nose. Petals move like fans (Lycopodium). Tonsil pain during swallowing, tonsils are dark red, also tonsils are covered like a net by two dilated blood vessels. Tickling in trachea during breathing. Distortion occurs when the body is overheated.

Sharp burning pain from tongue to stomach. Stomach heaviness. Gastric colic, relief by diet. Abdominal distension due to gas retention. Painful piles, with black stools. Hooping cuff (this medicine will be used for about ten days). Dry cough with hoarseness and burning pain behind the sternum. Coughing with every breath.

Swelling of the ovaries. Hard, sharp pains that increase with slight jerking. Gynecological swelling of the ovaries. Menstruation long before the due date, very copious in quantity, with discharge accompanied by fragments of membrane. Premenstrual depression. Carcinoma of the mammary gland, with needle-like pain, enlargement on the left side. Needle-like pain from the mammary gland to the armpit. Sharp shooting pain in left breast, increased pressure.

Pimples, rashes and purulent eruptions. Small boils on arms and face. Glands hard as stone, especially in lower jaw and throat. Hard goiter (spongia). Gangrene.

Cuprum arsenicosum
Teucrium marum verum
Teucrium marum verum
Natrum silicum
Kalmia latifolia
Kalmia latifolia
Strophanthus hispidus
Mitchella repens
Eel serum

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