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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
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Badiaga - Brands

Tendency of muscles and all types of skin, increased sensation of cold with movement and friction of clothes. Swelling of the gland. Total partial paralysis. Syphilis is a scaly, pinkish-colored, uniform variegation.

Pains in forehead and veins, pains extending to eyeballs, aggravation in afternoon. Blue spots under the eyes. Dandruff, throbbing pain in scalp, dry. Dullness and spinning sensation in the head Cold, sneezing, watery discharge with asthmatic breathing and suffocating cough.

Eyes Vibrating eyelids over left eye, eyeballs sensitive, sharp pain in eyeballs. A shooting pain in the star of the eye, this pain comes on at three o'clock in the afternoon. Mucus is expelled through the mouth and nostrils. Hay-fever, with asthmatic breathing. Pinching pains in neck, back and chest as in pleurisy.

Mouth is hot. Very thirsty. A stabbing pain in the upper part of the stomach, extending to the spine and ligaments.

Irregular and chronic bleeding from the uterus, increasing at night, with a sense of growth in the head (Argentum Nitri). Breast cancer. (Asterius, Conium, Carbo en. Plum iode). Indescribable malaise around the heart accompanied by throbbing pains and aches in the heart, needle-like pains all over the body, circling pains. The skin is sensitive, itchy, itchy.

Aloe socotrina
Aloe socotrina
Arsenicum album
Arsenicum album
Bacillinum testium
Manganum muriaticum

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