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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Avena sativa
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Avena sativa - Brands

This medicine acts specifically on the brain and nervous system, especially on the nutritional substances of these two places. Nervous exhaustion, sensory debility and opium addiction are suitable fields of action for this drug, but in higher doses.

Very good tonic after debilitating illness. Nervous tremors, convulsions, epilepsy, paralysis after diphtheria in old people. Heart disease. coldness

Young colds (several doses hourly with warm water in 20 drops). The evils of drinking. insomnia Especially those who drink alcohol. Harmful effects of opium consumption. Nervous symptoms with various gynecological symptoms.

Inability to concentrate on a particular object. Sukrasthlan, disintegration, evil effects of excessive reaction. Numbness of the limbs, as if paralyzed, with diminished strength of the hands.

Arundo donax
Rhamnus frangula
Turpenthum minerale
Terpin hydrate
Glycyrrhiza glabra

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