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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."


Arundo mauritanica

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A cold medicine is special.

Itchy scalp, hair falls out, hair follicles are painful. Worshipful distinction. Pain in back of head, pain extending to right eyelid. Deep pain in both sides of the head.

Itching and burning inside the ear. Eczema behind the ears. Itching of irritation in the roof of the mouth also at the end of the nostrils. (Wythia).

Burning and itching of the mouth, bleeding from the gums. Sore in the corner of the mouth. Profuse and foul-smelling sweat on the feet. Cracks on fingers and toes. .

Profuse discharge long before the menstrual period. Itching inside vagina with desire for intercourse.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Itching

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


Medicine is prepared from the sprouts of reeds.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric scale: 3rd to 6th power.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Arundo mauritanica

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Aurum sulphuricum
Amanita phalloides
Gossypium herbaceum
Gossypium herbaceum
Solanum oleraceum
Acid fluoric
Elaps corallinus
Elaps corallinus

Searching Keywords Idea
Arundo mauritanica, এরাণ্ডো মরিট্যানিকা

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