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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."


Lilium tigrinum

0.00 (0)

Action Period: 14 to 20 Days

Alternating uterine-pains and insanity. displacement of the uterus; The uterus seems to be coming out. Prolapse of the cervix.

Mind very depressed, always cursing or cursing; excessive intercourse; The association is so strong that one has to try to remain ambivalent.

Recurrent urge to defecate and urinate; Lilium should be remembered when there is a frequent desire to pass stool or to urinate, with the palpitation of the chest and the relaxation of the uterus which I have previously mentioned; Note also the periodic uterine prolapse and insanity.

Burning in palms, palms and soles of feet. Constipation; Blood-stomach, constant cramping and burning in the anus.

Generic for Diseases
  • Endocarditis
  • Endocarditis
  • Uterine prolapse
  • Uterine Inflammation (Cervicitis)

Generic Indications

Complement Generics
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Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Diseases of the uterus: Shakti 6, thrice in 30 days. 200 or 1m is also useful.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Lilium tigrinum

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Lilium tigrinum, লিলিয়াম টাইগ্রিনাম

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