“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
No one knows how much water we release through the nose and eyes at the smell of onion. Therefore, when there is a lot of mucus discharge from the eyes and nose, both nostrils become irritated, but the tears that fall from the eyes do not irritate the eyelids.
Constantly running raw water through the nose due to cold. The water is very hot and it stings the nostrils. Allium cepa is mainly used in cold conditions.
As the patient is generally sensitive to heat and likes colds, his cough is often aggravated by that cold.
Symptoms of Allium cepa are most pronounced in warm rooms or in the evening. Coughing causes pain in the larynx and the patient feels as if something like a curved hook is being inserted into the throat every time he coughs.
Heaviness in the head on holding the head, pain in the back of the head near the occipital bone; Severe headache with tearing, tearing, throbbing pain in the head, the patient's eyes cannot bear the light.
There may be ringing in the ears and throbbing pain from the forehead to the ear.
Cough is aggravated by cold air and warm rooms. Breathing air, a warm room, cough in the evening and soreness like tearing in the throat, Allium cepa will surely cure those conditions.
Ancient women used to tie onions around the neck of the shir when they had a croup cough and it was very effective. The chief characteristic of the medicine is a bell-like ringing and spasmodic cough with hoarseness in the throat, with constant tickling in the throat.
Allium cepa is prepared from the medicinal onion.
Ear pain: strength 6 or 30 every two hours.
Nasal polypus: Shakti 3x or thrice in 6 days.
Colds: Strength 6 or 30 A few doses every three hours relieve colds.
Sneeze: Strength 6, 30 or 200 twice a day in three doses.
Boric Level: 3rd Power.