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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."


Agaricus muscarius

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Action Period: 40 Days

Spinal cord does not acquire intelligence due to weakness of the brain and nervous system. Limb movements go beyond compulsion. When trying to grasp something, the fingers suddenly jerk in such a way that the hand breaks.

In old age, the tremors start from the head and the hands and feet tremble, where the whole body is also seen in tremors.

Pulling pains in various parts or shooting pains and tremors are the main features of the symptoms of this drug. The feeling is like walking on a rope not only on the skin, but also on the muscles. There is an itch in that place and during the itching the itchiness moves to another place. Sensation of coldness, cold or hot needle-like pain, prickly or needle-like pain in parts of the body where blood circulation is poor, and red spots on ears, nose, back of hands and fingers, etc. And itchy spots like frostbite.

whistle Can't remember anything, makes mistakes often and is slow to learn everything. Navsi types tend to spot mistakes in writing and spelling when reading their own writing. Their mental makeup is such that there is a delay in understanding or conceptualizing a subject, wrong words seem to float before his eyes. The whole mind and feelings of the patient seem to be paralyzed, they are lethargic and listless, and sometimes mistaken for delirium, this disordered state of mind or confusion is almost like a drunken frenzy.

Agaricus sufferers are sometimes swarthy, broad-faced, and of an ugly or untidy disposition, and sometimes they are less skilful, dexterous, and poetical than artists; He recites poetry effortlessly, especially at night. In the morning he feels very tired and lethargic and this condition may last until the afternoon. Her mental symptoms increase in the morning and decrease in the evening! When the patient sleeps, all the tremors and tremors of the body stop. He gets dizzy when the game is in the wind, he is always cold.

Agaricus muscarius may bleed, but the blood is so thick that not a drop falls. As in chorea, the head is constantly moving, the itching sensation in the scalp occurs especially when getting out of bed in the morning, here also we usually see the onset of symptoms in the morning.

When the patient looks, his eyes are constantly moving to and fro like the pendulum of a clock, his gaze moves restlessly despite his best efforts to fix them, and this constant movement of the eyes ceases only during sleep. Such eye symptoms are also cured by medicines such as Psychuta, Arsenic, Sulphur, Pulsatilla, etc., but before selecting the medicine, it must be seen whether its own characteristic symptoms are present.

In the morning the patient is lethargic, sleepy and tired but in the evening he becomes very bright, energetic, active, poetic and interested in the future, like a brilliant student he gets up late at night and wants to do various activities or sports.

Bleeding and foul-smelling discharge are seen. Agaricus is able to cure chronic paranoid discharge, as in tubercular men, and accompanying conditions such as nasal congestion and crusting. This medicine can also cure the initial stage of tuberculosis.

Morning diarrhoea, copious hot air discharge (alae), with watery, slimy stools and fetid stools in the rectum; Vigorous desire to pass stool, during and after stool as if the anus would burst (Maxal, Sulphur). Sudden sharp pain in the anus.

Urine flows out of the bladder slowly, in streams or drops, pressure on the abdomen or urethra is required to increase the velocity. Urine is watery clear, bright yellow, dark yellow and hot.

Breast milk in women stops within a day and blood flow in the brain or spinal cord or pineal cord occurs. This medicine is very effective especially if the milk stops coming from the breast and other symptoms appear. will be

Genital wateriness after intercourse and may be due to prolapse or heat during ejaculation of seminal fluid, this condition is seen only in males. Ejaculation time during intercourse. Swelling in the prostate land, great excitement before and during intercourse, but at the time of ejaculation, the excitement subsides and the penis relaxes, making intercourse joyless and passive. Such unpleasant intercourse and other symptoms are seen in persons with weakness of the pineal cord, and in persons of the navas type who have a sensation of tingling all over the body, as if something were moving or moving.

Pulsatilla, Sepia, etc., are used in women with pains as if something were being pushed out of the uterine tract, but Agaricus will give the best results for those with pains as if pulling out the genitals with irritation of the pineal cord, etc. Symptoms like headache, toothache etc. may occur during menstruation. Any symptoms may be worse at the onset of menstruation than before or after menstruation.

All of the spine can feel very stiff and tense. Bending the back feels as if the spine will break, as if something very tight is tied to the back. Bursting, sharp, rapid throbbing and shooting pains deep in the spine, pains radiating up and down the back, lateral to the spine, esp.There is great tenderness at the back of the neck and between the two caplets.

Slight excitement results in intense emotional joy, increased enthusiasm, ecstasy, mental imagery related to exhilaration.

A kind of terrible delirium occurs, with loud shouting, angry utterances, wanting to hurt oneself, etc. Depression, fatigue, apathy, mental confusion, unwillingness to work etc.

Aggravation: In open cold air, after food, after copulation, in cold weather, before thunder, storm, etc., aggravation by pressure on spine. Feel comfortable walking slowly.

Generic for Diseases
  • Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

Generic Indications
  • Eyelids dance
  • Vibration in body

Complement Generics
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This medicine is prepared from a kind of ground substance like fungus or frog umbrella. It is prepared by mixing equal amount of lime and Nishadal together.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Vibration: Strength Q 4 drops with a little water thrice daily.

Eyelid Dance: Strength 30 or 200 twice a day.

Boric strength: 3rd to 30 strength and 200 strength. Low energy should be prog in skin diseases and brain fatigue.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Agaricus muscarius

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