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Termination of pregnancy - Generics

Termination of pregnancy, also known as induced abortion, is the medical or surgical termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus. There are various reasons why a woman may choose to have an abortion, such as unintended pregnancy, fetal abnormalities, or health concerns.

In many countries, the laws and regulations surrounding termination of pregnancy vary. Some countries allow it under certain circumstances, such as when the woman's life is at risk, or in cases of rape or incest, while others prohibit it entirely or restrict access to it. In countries where termination of pregnancy is legal, it is typically performed within the first trimester of pregnancy.

Medical methods of abortion involve the use of medications to induce the termination of pregnancy, while surgical methods involve a procedure to remove the fetus and other products of conception from the uterus. The choice of method may depend on factors such as the stage of pregnancy, the woman's medical history, and personal preferences.

Termination of pregnancy can have physical and emotional effects on the woman, and access to supportive care is important. This may include counseling before and after the procedure, access to contraception, and support for any emotional or psychological issues that may arise. It is important for women to have access to safe and legal abortion services in order to reduce the risk of complications and ensure their overall health and well-being.

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Termination of pregnancy, গর্ভাবস্থার অবসান

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