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Postpartum and post-abortion bleeding Generics
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Postpartum and post-abortion bleeding - Generics

Postpartum bleeding, also known as postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), is a type of bleeding that occurs after giving birth. It is a normal part of the postpartum period and is caused by the body shedding the lining of the uterus. However, excessive bleeding can occur if the uterus does not contract properly after delivery.

Post-abortion bleeding is similar to postpartum bleeding, but occurs after a surgical or medical abortion. Like postpartum bleeding, it is caused by the body shedding the lining of the uterus.

Both postpartum and post-abortion bleeding can be a cause for concern if they are excessive or prolonged. Symptoms of excessive bleeding may include soaking through more than one pad per hour, passing large blood clots, feeling lightheaded or dizzy, or experiencing abdominal pain or discomfort.

Treatment for postpartum or post-abortion bleeding may involve medications to help the uterus contract, or in severe cases, surgical intervention. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience excessive or prolonged bleeding after giving birth or having an abortion.

Prevention of postpartum and post-abortion bleeding includes proper prenatal care and monitoring, avoiding certain medications and activities during pregnancy, and following proper postpartum or post-abortion care instructions provided by healthcare providers.

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Postpartum and post abortion bleeding, প্রসবোত্তর এবং গর্ভপাতের পর রক্তপাত

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