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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Calcium deficiency Generics
  • A
  • B
  • C
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Beta Carotene + Calcium + Cholecalciferol (Vit D3)
Calcium Orotate
Bone formation & bone disorders
Calcium Lactate
Bone formation & bone disorders
Calcium Gluconate
Bone formation & bone disorders
Calcium Lactate Gluconate + Calcium Carbonate + Vi...
Vitamin, mineral & nutritional deficiency
Calcium Carbonate + Calcium Lactate + Vitamin-C
Calcium Carbonate + Calcium Gluconate + Vitamin-C
Calcium Carbonate
Bone formation & bone disorders
Calcium + Vitamin D3
Calcium + Vitamin D + Minerals
Calcitriol + Calcium
Calcium Pantothenate
Bone formation & bone disorders

Calcium deficiency - Generics

Calcium is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in many physiological processes in the body, including bone health, muscle function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting. A calcium deficiency, also known as hypocalcemia, can lead to a range of health problems.

Causes of calcium deficiency can include inadequate dietary intake of calcium, malabsorption, certain medications, hormonal imbalances, and medical conditions such as chronic kidney disease and parathyroid gland disorders.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency can include muscle cramps, twitching or spasms, numbness and tingling in the fingers and toes, weakened bones (osteoporosis), and an increased risk of fractures. In severe cases, low levels of calcium can cause seizures and heart rhythm disturbances.

Treatment for calcium deficiency typically involves increasing calcium intake through dietary changes or supplementation. Good sources of dietary calcium include dairy products, leafy green vegetables, almonds, and fortified foods. In cases of severe deficiency or underlying medical conditions, calcium supplementation may be necessary.

It is important to work with a healthcare provider to diagnose and treat calcium deficiency, as too much calcium can also be harmful. Excess calcium can lead to kidney stones, constipation, and other health problems. Additionally, it is important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption and bone health.

Skin disease
Tinea cruris (jock itch)
Skin disease
Skin disease
Systemic sclerosis
Skin disease
Skin disease
Complicated skin and skin...
Skin disease
Tissue disease
Tissue disease
Joint disease
Osteoarthritis / degenera...
Joint disease
Nail disease
Nail infections
Nail disease
Parenteral nutrition

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Calcium deficiency, ক্যালসিয়ামের ঘাটতি

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