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Boricum acidum Brands
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Boricum acidum
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Boricum acidum - Brands

This drug is commonly used as a disinfectant because it inhibits the growth and decomposition of cannabis. Pain in the uterus, with frequent urination. Coldness (Heloderma). In diabetes, the tongue is dry, red, and cracked. Cold salivation.

A variety of red spots on the skin; Upper parts of the body and limbs. Edema around the eyes. Scaly skin disease. Edema around the eyelids. During menopause, women experience hot flashes. (laccase, amyl nitrate). Cold sensation in the vagina, as if the vagina were filled with ice, frequent urination, accompanied by burning and colic.

Zingiber officinale
Cuprum arsenicosum
Calcarea carbonica
Calcarea carbonica
Bryonia alba
Bryonia alba
Kali nitricum
Kali nitricum
Tilia europaea

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