“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
The nervous system is the main site of action - the brain, spinal cord and fingertips are most affected. That is why it is closely related to fainting, lunacy, dance-disease etc. But it can be used in rheumatism, paralysis, diphtheria, carbuncle - all kinds of diseases. Hasta-pada is very unstable; Muscles tend to rise and fall.
The spine is so sensitive that if someone puts a little pressure on it, it immediately causes pain in the chest. The tips of the fingers are also more sensitive.
Unbearable itching in the genitals, libido is manifested very strongly. Relaxation of the uterus, cancer in the uterus, irritation in cancer.
Tarantula sufferers in some cases do not want to see anything red, green or black - seeing it increases their pain.
The tarantula patient loves music and it also relieves his pain.
It brings death where death is certain but death is not taking place and the patient is convulsing.
Poison Boil: Strength 6 or 30 every three hours.
Gangrene: Potency 30 or 200 every four hours.