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Spigelia anthelmintica

0.00 (0)

Action Period: 20 to 30 Days

Spinal neuralgia is very severe and any nerve in the body can be affected causing excruciating pain. The increase in movement and not only the increase in physical movement, even the slightest thought becomes impossible, the pain increases even when thinking.

A patient with Spizelia cannot tolerate water breezes or damp air, so he often falls ill during the rainy season and among the ailments, neuralgia is more common. The growth in the monsoons is so high that even in the possibility of rainstorms he becomes ill. Cold wind causes headache, cold wind causes toothache, eyeache, etc. Headache begins from sunrise to sunset and manifests itself on the left side. Worms too.

Generic for Diseases
  • Worms
  • Enlarged heart
  • Pericarditis
  • Endocarditis
  • Endocarditis
  • Heart palpitations

Generic Indications
  • Headache
  • Heart attack
  • Stammer
  • Migraine

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
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Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Spigelia anthelmintica

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Spigelia, স্পিজিলিয়া

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