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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
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Silicea - Brands

Silicea is a profound medicine and so profound that few remedies in our Materia Medica can equal it. It is ready to be sandblasted. It is true that in the early stage of scrofula or tuberculosis it is capable of doing the impossible, but in the mature stage of tuberculosis it often becomes inauspicious. Its main identity is lack of assertiveness. Babies cannot tolerate milk, even breast milk. Eating anything other than milk causes constipation. During sleep, the head sweats so much that the head hair and pillow get wet, and because the wet head gets a little cold, the glands of the throat and neck swell, pus appears in the ears.

Silesian children are considered very good at school but cry when they go to take exams.

Silicea fever, like sulfur or natrum mure, increases from 11 a.m., and is accompanied by sweat or foul odor on the soles of the feet, and lack of natural self-confidence.

If there is a fish thorn in the throat, a tree thorn in the body, i.e. a cut under the skin, Silesia can expel it. Biochemically the best remedy for cutting out.

Calendula officinalis
Calendula officinalis
Ammonium phosphate
Solanum tuberosum
Magnesium carbonicum
Magnesium carbonicum
Euphrasia officinalis
Euphrasia officinalis

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