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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Psorinum - Brands

History of hereditary or hereditary skin diseases. Therefore, starting from the health of the parents, the entire life history of the patient should be judged.

Serinum is not the only remedy for Sera. Where appropriate medicine fails, or where the character of the disease becomes so complicated that the selection of an appropriate remedy becomes impossible, we may certainly think of serinum, especially where the disease has taken a different course, or is manifesting itself in stages, as a result of undertreatment, the possibility of serinum. too much

When the selected drug is unable to do more after doing some work, it is called appropriate drug failure. In such cases medicines like sulphur, serinum, tuber culinum etc. are needed. Serinum patients are extremely impure. He does not hesitate to wear dirty clothes, eat with dirty hands, wants to take ablution with dirty feet, does not want to take a bath. He doesn't mind to leave faeces and urine in the house, many times the cold wipes it with a cloth, little children eat it with their tongues. Not used to keeping things organized.

Mental symptoms are the best indicator of any medicine. Serinum's anxiety, panic and despair are also not to be forgotten.

Sometimes suicidal, sometimes fear of death, changeable and moody. An abundance of feelings.

very lazy; Religious; Restless, discouraged and depressed; Fearing that his business will be ruined; As if there will be danger. As if the disease is his cure. He defecated on the bed after dreaming.

suicidal thoughts amnesia Excitement due to the possibility of storms. Anxiety about getting into the car.

Serinum's faeces, urine, sweat, runny nose, earwax, menstruation, etc., are all so foul-smelling that the stench is the best symptom of Serinum.

A patient with Serinum is very weak and very cold. Due to weakness, various bad thoughts always come in the mind and make him restless and he thinks that the disease is his incurable, invisible adverse thoughts; He cannot understand anything. Fear or apprehension of various dangers. Life becomes full of despair.

History of excessive bleeding, profuse diarrhoea, profuse ejaculation, or poor health after a severe attack of any young disease. Serinum is not only weak in mind, but his excrement is not easily or simply discharged, very slowly and little by little, and not all at all. This is a valuable point about Serinum.

Cough or skin disease increases every winter.

Headache without eating during hunger; Nosebleeds relieve headache. Bleeding from the nose with menses.

Pain between left knee and left armpit. Left limb numbness. Left leg is cooler. Can't keep urine flowing. Urine is more during the day.

Earache will reappear in the face of healing of dysphonia and skin disease will reappear in the face of earache.

Petroselinum sativum
Salix purpurea
Sticta pulmonaria
Lonicera periclymenum

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