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Phytolacca decandra
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Phytolacca decandra - Brands

In fact, any kind of breast inflammation, wound, duct-wound, even cancer is cured in it and any kind of deformity of the breast, such as the milk becoming too dark, discolored, reduced or blood coming out with the milk, is soon cured.

The breast becomes inflamed, the small glands in the breast become painful and painful, and the pain increases with movement; Relieve by gently tying; nipples crack; Bruises appear, when the child is breast-fed, the pain spreads all over; Abscesses, ductal lesions, tumors, cancer. But why only the breast, the power of Phytolacca on every gland or gland of the body is very admirable. Affection of the breast with pain in the breast or any other disease during every period.

It can be used in any disease, young or old; Wounds, Asthikasha, Ragi, Rheumatism, Dhanushtankar, Abdomen, Dysentery. Glandular inflammation of the neck or throat after diphtheria.

As in Mercurius we see growth at night, growth in heat of bed, and growth in monsoons, inflammation of the glands or glands, sores, salivation from the mouth, stench, etc., so also in Phytolacca. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the two.

If the child is constantly trying to squeeze the teeth or the gums, I will immediately remember Phytolanka (Cicuta). But in Padaphylum the stools are very copious and stools are often passed out. Morning nausea. The whole body becomes stiff and rigid during the tadka or angst; The chin touches the chest.

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