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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Phosphorus Brands
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DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
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Phosphorus - Brands

Phosphorus is a living reflection of corrosion. Tall, thin, lonely countenance, restless, fickle nature, slight chills, tendency to profuse bleeding and diarrhea seem to indicate the fear that premature death is his omen.

In a frenzy, utters obscenities (hyo, stramae). started making obscene gestures.

Phosphorus patients have profuse bleeding from nose, mouth, anus, urethra etc. for no reason or for little reason. Bleeding profusely from minor wounds, does not want to stop easily.

A patient with Phosphorus experiences great emptiness or emptiness in his chest, abdomen and head, and also weakness. In this situation, high-energy, phosphorus is dangerous.

Thirst is very strong and she loves cold water very much but during pregnancy she can't touch water, can't bathe, vomits at the sight of water.

Kulpi likes to eat ice, likes juicy fruits, likes to eat spicy food.

He vomits even if he dips his hands in hot water. Hot food cannot be given in the mouth but especially remember that Phosphorus likes cold in its head and also cold in the stomach.

A sago-like substance floats with the stool. Green mucus or bloody stools.

As powerful as it is profound, its misuse is equally harmful. It should be used very cautiously or not at all in advanced cases of erosion.

Stannum iodatum
Coleus aromaticus
Brassica nigra
Raphanus sativus
Raphanus sativus
Niccolum sulphuricum

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