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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Natrum carbonicum Brands
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Natrum carbonicum
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Natrum carbonicum - Brands

Nervous weakness or mental depression occurs in Natrum Carb so strongly that he cannot think about anything, does not like any kind of noise, even if someone is sitting in front of him to have a conversation, he starts to feel uncomfortable, music and music are also intolerable.

Suffering from indigestion, eating too much soda has completely weakened the stomach, excess air accumulates in the stomach after eating a little, and gradually the nervous weakness also manifests itself so strongly that at the slightest sound, he starts to startle, chest palpitations, for them Netram Carb is an excellent medicine.

Polygonum sagittatum
Sempervivum tectorum
Viburnum prunifolium
Alumina silicata
Alumina silicata
Strychnine sulfate
Plantago major

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